As I started cutting back branches on a Fringe Wattle, I found one of the culprits! This fellow is a relative of the witchetty grubs of Central Australia, probably the larva of a cossid moth.

I was sorry to see that my Sydney Red Gum had also succumbed. As it is a native of our sandstone country, it had struggled here, but I was keen to have one of these beautiful trees. In more than ten years it had grown no taller than I am! We are hoping to replace it with a Parramatta Wattle as it's about as far from our house as we can get it. You can see a "little" Parramatta Wattle in the background.

I may have lost my hop-bushes, a wattle, a gum and a tea-tree today, but some other plants are doing well. Here is the last flower on our Eucalyptus 'Summer Beauty': summer is indeed over.

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