The fuzzy stuff above is fennel. Maybe I should plant them out today. Below are some brassicas: kale and pak choy.

During the day I move the seedlings to a sunnier spot under the carport, next to my pot of Dichondra and Aloe.

At the edge of the vegetable patch, a sweet potato has twined through the lemon grass. It has frost damage this week.

On the other hand this pink silverbeet is quite happy with conditions.

The sorrel is also fine. You can see where I have been picking the outer leaves for the chooks.

The young cabbages are looking good amongst the fumitory. I have to be careful when weeding fumitory, as it tends to bring other plants with it.

The pak choy is all self-sown. I've seen lettuces in here too.

The broad beans are almost ready to flower.

And here are my 'Purple Podded Dutch' peas coming up!

On the other hand, the quince tree has a bad case of scale and sooty mould. Once the leaves drop, I'll use a detergent mixture to remove the scale. My neighbours are having the same problems on some of their fruit trees, so I'll pass the recipe on once I've tried it.

I had no idea blueberry buds were pink; my last plant never grew. This one is in a pot for safe-keeping.

But what is this? Signs of habitation?

Even of cookery!

The kids like the teepee, but they've been riding bikes today instead.
Detergent has always worked well for me on sooty mould. Hope it does teh trick for you too.
Electric greenhouse - mmmm I've been wondering about something like that too. Esp since it has been so cold in Sydney this winter. Do you find it useful?
Glad the detergent does work! Lanie, I will do a post for you about my little greenhouse shortly.
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