We stayed at a farm again, this time Sharron Park, a little south of Glen Innes.

When I was exploring the garden the next morning (we arrived after dark), a friendly face greeted me. I think I was a disappointment -- no sugar!

I have to tell you about the silver service breakfast, presented on an array of antique and vintage crockery. Fresh fruit, fruit compote (I particularly liked the family recipe for Dutch Apple), yoghurt, cereals. Then in came the hot course: beef sausages from their own meat, scrambled eggs from their own chooks, and grilled tomato from the vegetable patch. After we had indulged ourselves, we went exploring. A little later in the morning, we went on a tour of the property.

Here are some of the stock: happy Herefords. I was impressed by how well-wooded New England still was; the Riverina has considerably less tree cover.

Our informative tour took us around the farm and included a hunt for a problem in the electric fencing (which fortunately turned out to be a loose wire rather than a break, probably knocked by a bounding kangaroo). At this time of year the cows were all in calf. We also went out into the old stock route which adjoins the property. These days, the stock routes can be leased for grazing. They are reverting to bush a bit now, and are a good place to find kangaroos. We spotted a couple. Here is one, see it?

No? But it's right in the middle!

Here is another relic of the droving days, part of a temporary yard used when two herds were close to each other.

I would love to show you more, but I've been wrestling with Blogger's picture uploader for over a fortnight with this post, and I've had enough. But if you have the chance to tour this beautiful part of NSW, take it.
Glen Innes is looking good, Chookie. I'm often amazed when touring country areas at how few kangaroos you see during the day. They must be all snoozing in the long grass.
the pics. Tell me more about the standing stones....
That would be "*Loved* the pics" ...
oh sigh. That sounds like the perfect retreat - open space, local food, BLUE SKIES. Thanks for a beautiful peek.
What a wonderful trip and what a breakfast. I can appreciate what it is like to go to a place where family is buried. We have done that many times on our search for our roots in England. The one place we haven't been yet is Kerang, Victoria, where my husband's ancestors were on their way to when his GGrandfather died on the ship off Africa. The family turned round and went back to England. Other family were farming in Victoria. My grandfather's brother also went out to Sydney in 1911 and never returned. One day we will get there and we will be searching in the graveyards too.
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