Sunday, June 5, 2011

After Rain, the Surprise

On Thursday morning, as the clouds rolled away to the north, my husband told me there was something next door I needed to see. Now. So I climbed the ladder and looked over the fence.

All I could say was "Wooooooooow!" Robert was up on a ladder, putting the finishing touches to their work. He turned round with a huge grin -- hadn't realised I'd spoken so loudly!
During all the rain this last week, he and John had been cutting the treated timber pieces to size and shaping the ends, so they were able to put the whole pergola up on Wednesday. Suddenly, the whole area has become graceful.

I could look at this picture all day!


Anonymous said...

... and is that brick footing on one side of the pergola a very large planter box? Looks like it could be :)

Lemonade and Lamingtons said...

I could look at that all day too! We had bought a pergola from a certain auction website (from a supposedly reputable seller) and ooh...they went bankrupt and cancelled their auction site account...immediately after cashing our cheque! Because we'd not used the blessed PayPal we weren't able to get our money back!

One day!

Cousin Stephan said...

It does certainly look different from Maria & I visit you guys recently.

Chookie said...

Corymbia, indeed it is a planter box! I think herbs will do well there and be handy for picking.
L&L, that's disgraceful! I thought trading while insolvent was a crime?
Cousin Stephan, yes, they are moving very fast.

Mandy said...

Really looking forward to paying a visit to your place when it is all done. Looking real nice!

Unknown said...

It's looking good...