On Saturday, the Geek and I prepared our bathroom for painting. The Geek was able to put two coats on it yesterday and it was dry in time for the kids to have a bath. Turns out that the Geek's long arms enable him to clean and paint all the bits of the bathroom which I need a ladder to reach. So I cleaned the bits I could, used the Spakfilla, and cleaned stray paint off the tiles afterwards. Our next project is attaching the medicine cabinet.
Our bathroom now looks almost as I want it to. We have a timber vanity unit that looks like it was made in the 1930s, which suits our house. The dark sage-green wall tiles have a border of gum leaves at head height. Above is the lighter sage green paint. The floor tiles are a medium brown. Our tapware is chrome with the old-fashioned, comfortable cross handles, and the basin and bath are white.
While the Geek was painting, I kept the boys occupied in the garden. We had moved the chooks along in the garden, so half the vegie patch was ready to plant. The boys cleaned old vines off the wire trellis for the peas, and I rehung it. The boys did the planting of 'Greenfeast' peas, though. The Sprig planted some carrots, and the Twig the broad beans. I did the seedlings, however, and sowed some new punnets of winter vegetables.
The Twig and I moved the strawberries into the vegetable garden as mentioned, and planted their trough with sage and thyme. I also potted up some Allspice Plant (Coleus amboinicus, but it has many common names) to sit next to my aloe-and-dichondra pot.
Another big job, where the boys were a real help, was to remove an old weeper hose from under the fruit trees. We didn't quite finish laying the new one, but then, who does finish all their planned garden jobs in a day?
Well done on getting the bathroom painted and finished so quickly!
Alas, it isn't finished! We have a medicine cabinet to install and the window to paint, then we need to finish the paint job in the toilet and add a new shelf... but the painting has spurred us to get to the next job.
where are the pictures of the bathroom!!!!!
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