It's still early winter here, and all the plants seem sleepy in the evening light.
This reddish tint is not the light: it is Red Pak Choy, just about ready for stir-fry.
Broad beans coming up with celery and parsley -- a typical scene in my deliberately disordered vegetable patch.

I am not sure what to do with my Brandywines -- they're still flowering, but I doubt even the big fruit will have a chance to ripen. Should I pull them, hang up the vines and wait? Or turn them into fried green tomatoes?

Lizzie and Annie have been escaping from their winter quarters, so I had to improve the security today. Turned out that Lizzie was squeezing through a gap in the netting -- that's where the board is.
My husband had to cut the wattle back (to the right you can see one of the Parramatta Wattles which grew bigger than expected) so that it wasn't blocking quite so much light to the solar hot water system.

Cutting back the wattle led to cutting back the mulberry tree. We are planning to make a teepee or something with the branches, once the leaves fall off.

Thyme and sage in the 1950s fake log trough (including frog) which I found in the garden when we moved here. So much of my life in the background: the washing, the chook dome...

The red pak choy looks beautiful. Glad to see as I have just planted some (they are only tiny seedlings at the moment).
Great to read yr posting.
I'm voting for fried green tomatoes, Chookie, for the simple reason that they'd probably be delicious anyway. This cool, wet weather isn't exactly tomato-ripening weather, either.
I have never even SEEN Red Pak Choy. And now I want some. Desperately.
You know, one day you may even get me to venture out into the weeds that I call a garden and plant some of this stuff.
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