The art of the stroll garden--giving a sense of different areas to explore:

In contrast, Bruce's Nissen hut-cum-workshop has the rugged charm of a piece of masculine history.

I'd recommend Corynnia Station to anyone, especially if you like gardening and being able to see the stars at night. The price alone is competitive with a motel, but it's far more enjoyable. I wished we could stay longer, but all too soon we had to farewell Wal the dog and all his family. Btu Wal was too busy to say goodbye...

Wal was a tired doggie:)
Yes, he had already had a busy morning before we left!
wow. I need someone to come and do that to my garden...
You wanna? I will make you a cake... :)
Hi there
I just 'googled' our farmstay & found your posting about Corynnia Station which we enjoyed - thank you! Do check out our new website www.corynniastation.com.au Lots has changed with the passing of the drought - none too soon! We have also done some great renovations to the homestead & Cook House as well as some general improvements to the farmstay too whilst keeping the authenticity.
Do come & visit again!
Bruce & Julie Armstrong
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