The first plant I noticed was this Halgania andromedifolia, with thumbnail-sized stars on a 1m shrub.

All hakeas have interesting seed-pods. I caught this Needlewood (Hakea leucoptera) with the seed still attached.

This pretty flower is from an Emu-bush (Eremophila). They all have the same structure, and the flowers are 3-5cm long, depending on species. They are becoming more popular in gardens because they flower well.

A look inside the Spotted Fuchsia, E maculata.

This would have to be my favourite, the Pearl Blue-Bush (Maireana sedifolia). It is a very small shrub to 30cm. I can imagine it used as a border or very low hedge in dry areas, in place of that boring box.

Imagine my joy when I discovered its dainty flower on another plant!

I was rather startled to find a formal rose garden, but it turns out there is a separate section for exotic plants that can cope with the dryland climate. I don't particularly admire this rose, but I love bees.

I did, however, admire the hoop-and-post arrangement for the collection of climbing roses. Most roses were only just coming into flower; this is 'Maria Callas'.

This showy flower is an Alyogyne huegelii alba, I think. A tall but leggy shrub, good at the back of a garden bed. The flowers only last a day, but they keep coming.

Couldn't find a tag on this presumed Rice-flower from WA. The 30cm Pimelea was almost covered in hot-pink blooms. To be truthful, they clashed with the red soil.

Lastly, another plant I fell in love with while walking in Mildura. The Willow-leafed Wattle, Acacia iteaphylla, has wonderful foliage and striking seed-pods, which give the impression of a silvery cascade. Here it has been underplanted with Convolvulus cneorum.

While the garden is still in development, it is already a wonderful resource if you are interested in the flora of this part of Australia. Just remember to carry your own supplies!
Beautiful pics of some glorious native plants. I would of been by your side all the way! My idea of heaven would be those botanic gardens! Thanks for sharing.
The rose hoop thingy thing is lovely!! I'll have to show it to my hubby............. ;)
These are such beautiful pictures. :) I'm inspired by the rose hoop and now am thinking about how I can do the same in my own yard. :)
I love trips to the botanic gardens!
Hey Chookie
Like your blog a lot, and thanks for visiting mine, too.
I love visiting botanic gardens everywhere, so I'm adding the Inland Bot Gardens to my list!
Hang in there for the summer vegies. I can really recommend the zucchinis with chervil!
I must get down and see the Inland Botanic Gardens next time I'm in Sydney.
Your photography is fantastic!
Oh those purple stars are stunning!
I wonder if I can get it in a fake plant. My black thumb would thank me.
Yes, I'm still thinking about how to incorporate that rose hoop too, or maybe a moon-gate? Jamie, I really wish my chervil had lasted longer than it did! I've been planting dill but will look out for another pot. Ben, the Royal Botanical Gardens at Sydney Harbour and Mount Annan and Mount Tomah are all great, but the Inland ones are in Mildura. Kelley, aren't fake plants the Crocs of the garden world?
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