And that sloping ceiling was asbestos fibro, of course. Only one thing to be done with it...

So we asked for a new ceiling and manhole, as well as having the tiny room next to it incorporated into the laundry space. I was never keen on the blue paint, either, and it clashed with those old kitchen cupboards.

Here's the new level ceiling, painted.

The room had to be brought to modern standards, so our builders installed a waterproof membrane on the floor. Old Aussie laundries are just concrete, which of course is porous. The blue bits in the picture below are the membrane; it has been covered with a cement bed here.

Of course some local residents became curious about what was going on.

Next, the tiles went in; nothing fancy.

Another problem with the old laundry was the double sinks, which leaked dry no matter which plug you put in, and the home-made cupboard underneath which was unusable due to the tiny door being posiioned right in front of the waste pipes. I was glad to see that monstrosity go!
But there was a little oopsie, when we realised that the laundry floor was now quite a bit higher with the waterproofing, mortar, glue and tile... so much higher that our brand new laundry tub was not going to fit under the taps! The choice was either to move the taps (which in effect would involve re-plumbing this room entirely) or to dig out the tiles. The tiles have been taken out. Can you tell?

And my choice of paint colour was just slightly out: I wanted the colour to match the doors of the old cupboard. It is a little greener than I expected. Still a pleasant colour, though.

Are you going to paint the old cupboards to match now? I think they would look fabulous with the same wall green and white scheme.
...and I'm laughing because I replaced my monstrous, leaky, fluff-multiplying, laundry-flooding F&P with a Simpson (different model though - and my new Simpson is very awesome).
do you have a drain in your laundry floor?
I have never had one in ANY house I have lived in. CRAZY!
Laundry is looking amazing.
Corymbia, I'm still deciding whether to paint the cabinet to match or repaint the walls! Funny how you've had trouble with an F&P; I never have.
Kelley, the floor drain is new. The old drain was a hole in the wall at floor level, with a bit of lead piping around it! And our previous house had suffered from the kind of handyman who had TILED OVER the floor waste! Yes, he had left the hot water system at the old floor level, so when the tank ruptured it was... interesting... trying to get the water out.
The color is so refreshing! It's interesting that it's the same color as your blog's background. You truly like the color huh? Well, it reminds me of spring. Anyway, what happened to the roof? Did you also change the color?
Great and simple post you shared. It has such a mythology about it, but it really is just making a common sense! Thanks for pointing that in your post.
Your Blog is so impressive and very informative. Thanks for sharing great Information.
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