Now some before-and-after pictures of the new path and driveway:

The patio.
Reinforcing mesh being inspected.

The final result!

Yes, that's coloured concrete: it's 'Honey Mustard', like the family room.
From another angle:

The colour was the Geek's choice, and I think it's pretty good too.

Originally, we were going to have a spray-on colour -- a uniform colour, as we hate stencilled concrete. The concreter, though, was worried about the colour choices available as there was nothing even close to the 'Honey Mustard' we used on the family room slab. He proposed we mix in the same colour here. As the volume is small the colour wouldn't cost more than the spraying. Of course, the colours look different as the family room slab has been polished to expose the aggregate; it's redder than this, but this is a better outdoor colour anyway.
Your whole renovation is very impressive. You must be thrilled with every new piece of the puzzle. great choices. I can just imagine some wonderful planters out there to finish the patio.
I can just imagine sitting out there on a lovely, balmy summer's evening with a glass of something cold and chatting the night away. It looks GORGEOUS! Well done!
Thank you, ladies! I'm really happy with how things are turning out.
LR, I have some troughs, but they are under-scale. I am only tempted to keep the old painted concrete ones (which I found in the back yard) for the kitsch value!
Sarah, I have to find a table and chairs first, which is proving more difficult than I had thought!
Beautiful looking pics! Love those calm photo!
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